State of the network as of August 30, 2023:
- 1.946 billion TARA staked and delegated
- 47 active consensus nodes on the Mainnet
- 319 active consensus nodes on the Testnet
- 529 monthly commits across top repos in Github
- Taraxa received a MASSIVE awareness boost in the months of July and August, all thanks to the hard work of our most excellent community for spreading the word!
- Check out the mentions & coverage on Twitter and YouTube
- Featured on Binance Feed !
- Featured on Binance Live: The Hot Seat !
- Selected as one of the Emerging Stars by Kucoin !
- Successfully completed a critical security update on the mainnet without incident 😃
- Deployed 6 major ecosystem features & updates

🪁 Keeping up with the latest in Taraxa
- Live staking & delegation:
- Live network & dev stats:
- Live dev updates:
Stay tuned! 🪁